Saturday, February 7, 2015


William (4), Peter (10), Bryson (4 months), MacKenzie (3 weeks), Matthew (13), Joseph (2)
Until just over four years ago, Matthew and Peter were the only grandchildren on either side of our family. While they benefited greatly by being the only grandchildren, I always wanted them to experience having cousins. Growing up, some of my best memories were made on adventures with my cousins, and I always hoped that my children would have that same opportunity.

Since August of 2010, our family has grown significantly. William was born in August of 2010, Madison was born in January of 2011, Kennedy was born in April of 2012, Joseph was born in May of 2012, Bryson was born in September of 2014, and MacKenzie was born in January of 2015. In four years, our family exploded from two to eight grandchildren! We were able to capture a photo of six grandchildren last week, and I am hopeful that we can get all eight together in March when Jodi, Madison, and Kennedy are here to visit.

I am so excited that our family is growing, and I cannot wait for my boys to make lasting memories with their cousins!

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