Friday, January 16, 2015


Well, it has happened - we officially have a teenager in the house. I know that I am too young to have a 13 year old, so I am not sure how this is possible! Seriously though, it is difficult to fathom how this adorable little boy grew up so quickly.

Matthew - 2 Years Old
I simply cannot describe how much Matthew has matured during the last year. Over the course of the summer, Matthew transformed from a boy to a young man. He is extremely driven, smart, and strong. This has allowed him to experience significant success both academically and athletically.

Matthew is also a natural on the ranch. He is truly Toby's best hired man, and I know that Toby looks forward to the days that Matthew does not have school because it makes his life so much easier. Matthew is passionate about the cattle, the feeding routines, and can easily identify a sick calf out of a field of 300 pairs. After a recent visit to Uncle Tim's, his uncle commented that "Matthew can load a 100 pound bale of hay like a man!"

Matthew is an amazing big brother. All three of his younger brothers look up to him and try to imitate him. Matthew and Joseph truly have a special bond. There are instances when the only individual who can console Joseph is Matthew. It is very pitiful when Joseph cries - "I want my Maffew!"

We are so proud of Matthew and the young man he has become. He is compassionate, has a wonderful sense of humor, and an infectious smile. We cannot wait to see what Matthew will accomplish in the future!

October, 2014

Matthew's Birthday Party

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