Saturday, November 10, 2012


We had an eventful Halloween this year with a Halloween party and traditional Halloween trick-or-treating. Since William was two, I thought that he would love Halloween, so I purchased him this golfer costume:


No, that is not William in the costume, it is a model because William refused to put the costume on. I purchased the costume a few weeks before Halloween, so Matthew and Peter kept trying to get him to wear it around the house because it was so cute. We could never convince William that wearing the costume was a good idea.

A couple of days before Halloween, we were at Wal-Mart and they had this costume on clearance:

Product Image

William was so excited about this costume because he LOVES Thomas the Train. He was even trying to open the package in the shopping cart! We thought that we finally had found a costume that William would wear. Again, he would not put on the costume. He simply enjoyed looking at the costume instead of wearing it.

The weekend before Halloween, we attended a family Halloween party at the McGourty's house. Everyone was dressed up except for William. He refused to wear either of the costumes I had purchased for him. Peter went as Dracula, Matthew went as a hillbilly, Joseph went as a skeleton, I was Little Red Riding Hood, and Toby was The Big Bad Wolf! We had a lot of fun visiting with friends and playing games.

By the time Halloween day arrived, Matthew and Peter did not want to dress up. It was a long day because we had school and then Peter had basketball practice until 5:15. Due to the fact that it was a school night and we got a late start, we only went to a handful of houses. Again, William would not wear his costume, so I called my mom and asked her to pick up some Halloween shirts for all four boys on her way home. The boys all looked very handsome in their shirts! Maybe next year William will be a little more interested in Halloween and we will be more festive. Trick-or-treat!


  1. That is a really cute picture of the boys! Love Peter's smile :)

  2. We got that same Thomas the Train costume for Hoss and he REFUSED to wear it as well! (He even picked it out himself!!) I seriously LOVE that Toby will dress up with you! There's no way I would be able to get Brandon to do that!
