Sunday, October 28, 2012

Weaning Time!

Fall is such a busy time at the McBride household. One of the major events that takes place in the Fall is weaning the calves from their mothers. This is a multi-step process that involves a lot of time and help. A few weeks ago, Matthew, Peter, Joseph, William and I had the day off while Toby was bringing a group of cows home to wean. As a result, we were recruited to help! Matthew and Peter did an amazing job helping to gather the cows and bring them to the feedlot while Willim, Joseph, and I blocked roads for the crew. It was so fun for William to watch the cows as they came into the feedlot.

Overall, it was a very busy and productive day. With all of the help, Toby was able to wean around process around 300 calves that day! I am sure missed our help when he weaned the other two groups!

Mama and Joe waiting for the cows.

Watching the Cloud of Dust
Here they come!





Peter and Fidel

The Crew

This is one tired, dusty boy!






  1. This is hilarious - when the post popped up on blogger, it read Weaning Time with the picture of you and Joseph. HA HA! So, the first thing that popped in my head was that you were talking about weaning the baby, not calves! bahahahah!! Still laughing!!

    1. That is pretty funny Tiffany! I did not realize that might be the impression when I typed the headline for the post!

  2. It's a good thing the Sons of Alisha McBride are hard workers :)
