Sunday, July 1, 2012

Potty Training

William will be two years old next month (I know, I can't believe it!) and he has recently become interested in potty training. When I say interested, I actually mean obsessed! William wants to be like his older brothers so badly that if either Matthew or Peter use the bathroom William wants to try using the bathroom also. Having successfully potty trained two boys before, I have learned that boys are easiest to potty train during the summer months because there is nothing more exciting for a boy than peeing outside! I don't think that boys/men ever outgrow the desire to pee outside - at least not in my house! To make things easier and more exciting, we encourage William to try to pee outside frequently. He has not mastered the art yet, but it is not from a lack of trying. He will stand outside and strain with all of his might to try to pee like his older brothers when actually if he would just relax he would probably have better luck. We are, however, making progress and William is having more success all of the time.

Last week, while William was outside trying to relieve himself, Pacco came over to investigate. Obviously, when a horse is nearby going potty is no longer the priority. As you can see, William became very interested in petting the horse and forgot about his original mission.

I am sure that it won't be long before we have another "big boy" who is potty trained in our house!


  1. I love this! Such a cute boy with his horse! He is going to hate this in a few years :)

  2. The joy of boys! And they really are easier to train than girls. The pictures are perfect!
