Friday, June 29, 2012

Batter Up!

It is that time of year again and half of May and all of June have been consumed by baseball games. Matthew is in his second year of Minors and Peter is in his second year of Coach Pitch. As a result, we have been traveling to baseball games four nights of the week. Although the crazy schedule can be exhausting, baseball has quickly become a favorite sport in our household! This week was the final week of the season, and we are sad to see it end.

Matthew's season began with a game on May 15th and ended on June 28th. He played 13 games, and they were all exciting! His team showed a tremendous amount of growth during the season which has resulted in a winning record of 10-3. Matthew expressed a desire to try a new position this year; he wanted to try playing catcher. I wasn't sure if Matthew would enjoy playing catcher because it is a very difficult position both physically and mentally. However, he did an amazing job stopping balls, protecting home plate, and attempting to throw runners out when they stole bases. When not playing catcher, Matthew primarily played first base and pitcher. He has a very strong arm and improved his accuracy with every game he pitched. Matthew is also a very good hitter and even hit a home run in each of the last two games. He had a very successful season!

Coaches - Todd Gregory, Craig Evins, Mike Ready
Brayden Sheppard, Dallin Eddy, Mason Recla, Matthew McBride, Dakota Sheppard
Clay Ready, Scott Hall, Skylar Evins, Braden Gregory, Wyatt Norton, Lenny Barton
Photo by Red Barn Photography

Peter began playing games on June 4th and had his final game on June 27th. His season consisted of eight games. Coach Pitch league is more relaxed than Minors. The teams do not keep score; instead, there is an emphasis on everyone learning the rules of the game and being involved. As a result, Peter played numerous positions throughout the season. He did very well mostly due to his energetic and positive attitude. Peter is a very strong hitter and had many hits that have resulted in triples or home runs. Peter had an excellent year, and is anxious to begin Minors next year and use his skills to play in a more competitive league!

Coach - Ginny Hager
Sydney Hager, Peter McBride, Kade Kurata, Ali Aldred, Adam Ramirez
Willy Tolman, Kase, Garrett Smith, Eli Aldred
Photo by Red Barn Photography

Baseball season has become a family affair, and once Joseph was born the entire family began traveling to the baseball games. William loved watching Matthew and Peter play baseball and cheered for his brothers by yelling "run, run, run"! Joseph also attended many baseball games during his first month, and is such a good baby that he usually slept through the games.

Although we are going to enjoy having our evenings back, we are already looking forward to next baseball season!

Monday, June 25, 2012

Joseph Stephen - One Month Old

My step-sister Jodi McCauley has two adorable little girls and for the first year of their lives she takes monthly photographs of her daughters and writes them a letter. I think this is such a wonderful way to document milestones and provide a keepsake for children to read in the future. I plan to use Jodi's idea and write letters to Joseph each month. I only wish I came across this idea earlier so I could have written letters to each of the boys!

Dear Joseph,

It is difficult to believe that one month has already gone by since you came into our lives. Time flies by too quickly and I wish it would slow down! During the past month, we have settled into a new "normal" at our house. The transition to having a newborn again has been easy because you are such a good baby. We have been blessed with good babies, and you are no exception. You rarely cry; instead, you constantly look around and take in your surroundings. I am amazed at how alert you are. It seems as if you are always trying to look at someone or something - lights and ceiling fans always catch your eye. Speaking of eyes, you have the most beautiful, dark blue eyes. I could just stare into them all day! You are also very strong and will raise your head and push yourself up with your arms when being held on my shoulder to look at your brothers. 

During the past month, you have settled into regular sleeping and eating patterns. It is common for you to sleep for two or three hours at at time. Usually in the evening you begin sleeping in the bassinet. When you wake up in the night to eat, you and I move to the recliner and usually we both fall asleep until morning. Although it is not the most comfortable place to sleep, I love the time you and I have together during the night. When you were born, you would eat about two ounces of formula every two or three hours. You have gradually worked up to eating three to five ounces at each feeding. As a result, you have grown to a whopping 10 pounds 4 ounces and 21.5 inches tall!

Even though you share many similarities with your brothers, you are constantly showing your individuality. For example, you are our first baby to use a pacifier. From the day you were born, you were sucking on your hands. Although you do not use it all of the time, your pacifier soothes you and makes you happy. Even though you are growing quickly, you are also our first baby that has been able to fit into newborn diapers and clothes! You have been able to wear many clothes that were brand new simply because your brothers could not fit into them. Currently, you are still wearing some newborn clothes but I have recently started to dress you in some three month outfits.

You are not only adored by your Daddy and I; your brothers think you are very special also. Matthew and Peter are constantly checking on you. They are also amazed by your alertness and spend much of the day talking to you. Matthew and Peter have also commented on how when you cry it does not even sound like a baby. Instead, they think that your cry resembles that of a baby lamb! 

William has also adjusted well to becoming a big brother. When you were about 10 days old he had a very rough day with numerous meltdowns. I believe that he finally realized that you were actually staying and were part of the family! Since that day, William has been a wonderful big brother (he almost helps too much)! When you cry, he runs to the bassinet and tries to give you the pacifier. William has to be watched closely because he will even try to give you the pacifier when you are sound asleep! If he is not trying to shove a pacifier in your mouth when you cry, William will try to soothe you by saying "I know bebe, I know." It is so adorable.

We are so happy that you finally arrived Joseph! You have made our family complete and bring so much joy to our lives each day. You are truly a blessing!


Mommy and Daddy

Thursday, June 14, 2012

School's Out for Summer!!!

School is out! Summertime here we come!

Although Matthew and Peter had amazing teachers and very memorable school years, they were anxious for summer to begin. The last day of school was May 24th, and Matthew and Peter were ready for summer freedom without strict bedtimes and homework.

Our summer began with an unexpected but exciting event the day after school was out - Joseph was born! Matthew and Peter will also be very busy this summer with sports camps, church camp, baseball, fair, and more!

Below are pictures of the boys throughout the school year. It is amazing to see them grow up so quickly. In a few short months, we will have a fifth grader and a third grader in our household!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Joseph Stephen McBride

On May 25, 2012 at 3:20 p.m., we welcomed Joseph Stephen McBride into our family! He weighed 7 pounds, 11 ounces and was 19 1/2 inches long. Joseph surprised all of us, as we were not scheduled to meet him until June 11th by a scheduled c-section. As I have mentioned in previous posts, the last portion of this pregnancy was accompanied by visits to the doctor twice a week to monitor the baby through a Non-Stress Test (NST). During my NST on Friday the 25th, it was determined that I was having regular contractions and that the baby was not responding the way he should. As a result, I was sent to labor and delivery to continue to be monitored.

After I was sent to the hospital, I called Toby to let him know about the recent developments and to request that he not go out of cell range, as we might be having a baby! Upon further monitoring, the doctor determined at 2:00 p.m. that we were going to meet the newest member of our family that day, and that the c-section was scheduled for 3:00 p.m. I then called Toby back and informed him that he needed to get ready and get to the hospital in an hour. This was not going to be easy. He was still working, needed to drive home, shower, and drive back to the hospital in less than an hour. Although I had my doubts, he said he would make it.

The next hour went by very quickly, and at 3:00, I was taken back to surgery without Toby! Luckily, there was still a little bit of time to spare, as they still had to administer the spinal once I was in the operating room. Also, my mom was at the hospital to serve as a back-up in the event that Toby did not make it in time. To my surprise, Toby did arrive in time to be in the room; however, he was not able to go into the operating room because my spinal did not work. As a result, they had to put me out during the c-section. Fortunately, Toby was there to meet Joseph for the first time and carry him to the nursery!

The downfall to being put out during the c-section is that it takes quite a long time for the anasthesia to wear off. So, I was not able to meet Joseph until about 5:30 p.m. Even though we were fairly certain that Joseph would be just fine upon delivery, he was still 3 1/2 weeks early and considered premature. So, it was a relief when I was able to hold our sweet baby and see for myself that he was doing well.

Joseph is such a wonderful baby. He sleeps for hours at a time, eats well, and hardly ever cries! We are so lucky and grateful to have four happy, healthy boys!

One of my best friends, Amy was my nurse before, during, and after the delivery!
She is an amazing nurse!
Amy is taking care of Joseph while Toby supervises.
Joseph - just minutes after being born.
Not sure if Daddy is stressed or relieved!
Joseph Stephen McBride
Getting ready to go home from the hospital!